End of Life Doula Training

Apr 27, 2016

End of Life Doula Training.  An End of Life Doula is a non-medical person trained to care for someone holistically (physically, emotionally and spiritually) at the end of life. End of Life Doulas are also known around the world as: End of life coaches, soul midwives, transition guides, death coaches, death doulas, doula to the dying, end of life doulas, death midwives, thanadoula, and end of life guides. Due to the enormous number of the elder population, there is an overwhelming need for these services and support. Finding the right teacher and training program is one of the most important decisions you will make.

Doulagivers -End of Life Doula Trainings. We offer 3 Levels of End of Life Doula Trainings. Offering The Level 1 End of Life Doula Community Caregiver Training allows families to regain and learn the skills of how to care for a dying loved one. This was something that was handed down generation-to-generation 100 years ago. 9/10 people say they want to be cared for at home if they have a terminal diagnosis. We are brining this skill back and it is changing the world.

The award winning Level 1 Training is a global outreach and is offered for free/donation. It is that important.

 The Level 1 is offered in communities (check events tab) as well as an online classroom. We also have The Level 3 End of Life Doula Practitioners Certification. This course is for those who want to be End of life Doulas as a profession. End of Life Doulas are being used as adjuncts to Hospices, working in nursing homes, hospitals, home health agencies, long-term care facilities and in private homes. Our Doulas are specially trained non-medical health care professionals, many of whom are nurses, social workers, ministers, certified nurse’s assistants, wellness practitioners, and those with a strong “calling” to help others at the end of life. In the Doulagivers program, Doulas are thoroughly trained in all three phases of End of Life Care. The 3 Phases consist of:

1)The Shock Phase

2) The StabilizationPhase and

3) The Transition Phase

The Level 3 Certified Doulas are trained in all ways to support someone from the time of a terminal diagnosis all the way through, until after a person dies and helping a family to “re-enter” life after loss. Based on their extensive training, the Doulas offer suggestions for comfort to the patient and family. They provide support to the family and patient during all 3 phases of end of life, offer the latest options for care and EOL planning and help with creating sacred rituals as well as support in grief, bereavement and recovery. They are not home health aides; rather, they are professionals who guide and support the family and patient through their entire end of life journey.


With the right kindness, education and support, end of life can be the sacred experience it was meant to be.” Suzanne B. O’Brien RN

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