End of Life Doula Directory

Elder Care Doula

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Mary Jo

Mary Jo Speer

Mary Jo Speer Ed.D., RN, is a diploma graduate RN, practicing Emergency Medicine for over 3 decades. She completed her Doctoral work at UNC Charlotte with a focus on end of life care. She had the privilege of caring for her Mother for the last 2 months of her life. She died in her home…

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Kristina Berano

Kristina Berano is a Connecticut native, recently relocated to central Florida. She has been married for over 26 years to her college sweetheart and they are the proud parents of two amazing children. She loves the color purple, sunshine at the beach, going to the movies, and chocolate candy! With two college degrees and a…

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Patricia Howe

I was born in Vestal, New York.  I have made my home in Ketchikan, Alaska.  I have been a hospice volunteer since 2015.  I cared for my father and father in law in our home until end of life.  I wish I had learned about end of life at that time. With gratitude for being…

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Elizabeth Rawlins

“You matter because you are you, You matter to the very last moment Of your life, And we will do all we can Not only to help you die peacefully, But to live until you die.” Dame Cecily Sanders Hi!  My name is Elizabeth Rawlins.  I am a Certified End-of-Life Doula through the award-winning Doulagivers…

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Kristina Berano

Kristina Berano is a Connecticut native, soon to be relocating to central Florida. She has been married for over 26 years to her college sweetheart and they are the proud parents of two amazing children. She loves the color purple, sunshine at the beach, going to the movies, and chocolate candy! With two college degrees…

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Janice Durant

Our elders deserve every bit of respect and dignity that we can offer them. End of life should be given the same reverence as the beginning of life. I had the privilege of being my mom’s caregiver until she took her last breath.  My super power is that I “speak” dementia.  This has been a…

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Molly Welch

“You will be a singer, in that I see you singing songs about the past and…commemorating those who have gone before us.” As a child of some privilege, and 20yr old theatre and writing major, I had no idea what this had meant when non-medical healer first shared this advice or foresight with me. My…

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Michelle Churchman Headshot Hi-Res rgb

T. Michelle Churchman

Theresa Michelle Churchman, MIS, is owner and practitioner at Shoji Bridge Departure Doula. A cancer diagnosis when she was young helped Michelle develop a healthy view of death and dying, and attending her mother’s death led to her current passion for supporting people who are dying, for educating and advocating for death preparedness and death…

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Jennifer Atkins

Jennifer Atkins

Hello, I am Jennifer Jayanti Atkins, Certified Doulagiver, Certified Yoga Specialist, BS in Kinesiology (CU Boulder), and owner and operator of Adaptive Yoga Specialist LLC. As a longtime yoga instructor specializing in adapting yoga for people with movement disorders, I have worked closely with dementia, PD, MS, TBI and other degenerative conditions for years. I…

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Colleen Loader

Colleen Loader

Located in Sydney, Australia Colleen Maree is a Certified End of Life Doula, an ordained non-denominational minister, a Reiki practitioner, project manager, qualified chef, an artist, and an expert seamstress She has years of compassionate experience helping others with aging relatives, dying parents or loved ones. She is known for providing ongoing grief support for…

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