Alice Long

Skills: Certified End of Life Doula and International Doulagivers Institute Trained
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I finished my education with an Associate and Diplomate in Logotherapy (Therapy through Meaning))from the Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy. That was followed by a Doctorate of Ministry in Franklian Psychology from the Graduate Theological Foundation. I completed this education at age 50, after raising my family.

My published work on the subject is: LIVE LIKE YOU WERE DYING-Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy applied to the Hospice Patient and their family. I attempted to answer this question . . . . How does the hospice patient and their family find meaning in the dying process?

I was a Hospice Chaplain at the time when I started this education. It all started by reading the book, MANS’s SEARCH FOR MEANING. The principles of finding meaning in suffering were so applicable to Hospice that I set out to complete my education to apply it to full-time Hospice work. I now have applied it for years as a Hospice Chaplain.

I am an Interdenominational minister and have spent approximately 30 years co-pastoring with my husband in various churches in Washington and Idaho.

My approach to people as a Certified End of Life Doula would be helping the patient and family to discover meaning during this time period of their life, along with the guidance learned in my doula certification.

(208) 312-4888