End of Life Doula Directory


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Patricia Langston

For more than 35 years I served as the Director of an Early Intervention Program serving infants with special needs and their families. For 20 years I have been a volunteer for the Health Ministry program at my Church. For the past six years, I have been the Coordinator for Health Ministry. I facilitate a…

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Margaret Chase

Hello, I am Margaret, End of life doula. I am a professional person who will provide physical, spiritual, mental and emotional support to you and to your loved ones. I reside in San Jose, California I serve the San Jose community that includes a 1-hour radius in client’s homes, clinics, facilities, or hospitals. Outside of…

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Veronica Scheers

Veronica Scheers RN, CEOLD
Certified End of Life Doula
Guiding Your Light at End of Life

As a traveling EOLD I will be coming to you in person or as a Tele Doula to best meet my clients needs.

My goal is to meet my client’s where they are in their journey. I will bring care and compassion to lead my client to a comfortable passing, in their home, with their loved ones. I will provide education and non-physical assistance to my client and their loved ones. I bring 45 years of the art of bedside care and will help teach this to loved ones as I care for my client during their transition.

I graduated from Samuel Merrit College in 1982 with an Associates Degree in Nursing. As an RN I spent 36 years at John Muir Medical Center in Concord, California. The last 30 years in bedside Critical Care.

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Christy Wilsion

Christy Wilson

Christy Marie has been a death walker from her earliest memories. She was blessed to be raised in a family that accepted dying as a normal part of life and never shied away from talking about loved ones after they had passed.  She remembers large family gatherings after the funerals of loved ones and the feelings…

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Elizabeth Wong

Elizabeth Wong is a certified end-of-life doula providing spiritual, emotional, and physical support to families.  She holds space for clients and families to navigate conversations around advance medical planning, and in the process, allows for the discovery of what it means to be living well, such that they can be present to their own legacy.…

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Myra Bennett

During and after the loss of several family members and friends, with whom she shared in the care of, she experienced a calling to hospice nursing. At the time, she had been a nurse for nearly thirty years, with the goal always being the promotion of health and life. But it was only after becoming…

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