Ask A Death Doula #
How to Follow your Highest Guidance System
Released: 01/06/2022
Guest: None
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Episode Show Notes
How to Follow your Highest Guidance System
Big Ideas:
- How I Was Guided to Hospice [3:35] – I was raised in a medical family and always liked helping others as a child, so a career in nursing felt like a great fit for me as an adult. I was working in the hospital and kept hearing this calling and having this feeling that I belonged at Hospice. I had no professional or personal background with end-of-life care at the time – I knew nothing about it. I left a job with better pay, better benefits, and better hours as a single mother to follow my calling. I just decided to trust it. My first day visiting Hospice patients I knew I was exactly where I was meant to be, and that one choice has led me on such a beautiful and profound journey in my life.
- We Are Holistic Beings [6:10] – There are four bodies of energy that make up who you are as a person. Nurturing these parts of yourself will allow you to reach balance in your life. There are the physical body of energy, the mental body of energy, the emotional body of energy, and the spiritual body of energy.
- We All Have Two Guidance Systems Within Us [9:50] – The first guidance system is the mental/analytical/ego guidance – this is influenced by what we have put into our minds over the course of our life and is limited by our individual perspective. The second guidance system is our higher consciousness/spiritual/heart-centered guidance – this is always working on your behalf to guide you in alignment with your purpose in life. The key to finding your life’s purpose is to be aware of these two guidance systems, how they work (and why) – and how to listen to and strengthen your heart guidance. Answer your calling when it comes – it will open incredible opportunities for you.
- The R.A.I. Method [19:56] – This stands for Recognize, Acknowledge, and Integrate. You must recognize when your ego is influencing your actions and behaviors. Acknowledge your ego’s effort to influence you and understand that it is a fear-based element of your being. Take inventory of your life to combat this – ask yourself, “Am I happy? With the work I’m doing, with the people that are around me, am I contributing and am I making a difference?” We all want to contribute and make the world a better place at our core, and we must find our gift to do so and then share that gift with the world. Integrate your heart guidance system to lead you to that gift and ultimately align you with your life’s purpose.
- The Most Painful Experiences We Go Through Are Our Greatest Teachers [27:15] – Rejection is a gift that saves us from what is not meant for us. The people who have hurt me the most on my journey were my greatest spiritual teachers – even though I didn’t know it at the time. It can take years of growth, processing, and reflection to realize this from a new perspective and to reach a point of giving forgiveness for the pain you have experienced so that you can find the lesson with it. If you have people in your life that don’t make you feel good or that don’t life you up, think about letting them go – there are people that need you.
Memorable Quotes:
1) “We all are here for a reason. The meaning of life is to find yours and live that purpose.” – Suzanne B. O’Brien RN
2. “Right now, we, as a world for the most part, are suffering from spiritual bankruptcy.” – Suzanne B. O’Brien RN
Resources: – Get the Death Doula Guide Here
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