Mary Beth Sojka

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Location: New York
Skills: Certified End of Life Doula and International Doulagivers Institute Trained
Tags: #doulagiversspecialist, #doulagiverstrained, #doulagviers, #eldercaredoula, #ENDOFLIFEDOULA, #endoflifedoulatraining, #eold, death doula, Doula, doulagiver, doulagivers, end, end of life doula, find end of life doula, guide, and New York

Mary Beth has been a part of the health care community for many years. She has always been drawn to people near end of life, helping them to cope and keeping a peaceful space for them. One day she found there was a name for that, a Death Doula. She immediately signed up to be educated and worked with a client pro bono while taking the course. She is reiki master and certified crystal healer as well. Helping with the physical and spiritual aspects as needed.

(716) 903-9900