Judy Matsalla
Judy is a Certified End of Life Doula Specialist. She received her training from the International Doulagivers Institute in New York. As an End of Life Doula Specialist, Judy
Does consulting work with Advance Care Planning
Works with the elderly as an Elder Care Doula
Works with Clients and their families to support them through the end-of-life process.
Judy’s own experiences with the death of family members have led her to this calling. She is passionate about supporting a dignified and comfortable end-of-life experience. Through end-of-life doula work, she offers non-medical, emotional, and spiritual support during the phases of the end-of-life process.
Judy is of the opinion that a plan needs to be in place for an end-of-life journey to be as peaceful and dignified as it can be.
Discussions with loved ones about end-of-life wants and what is not wanted for care need to take place.
End-of-life wishes are respected and honoured.
Judy is a member of The End of Life Association of Canada AND National End of Life Doula Alliance. Judy is committed to performing within the realms of a regulated Scope of Practice. These ethics are applied to her work.
Judy offers a 30-minute consultation to discuss the needs of you and your family.
Serving Saskatoon and area
(306) 7178999