Giohà Giordano
Giohà Giordano, born in Foggia on November 6, 1958, lives in Santa Marinella in the Province of Rome, Italy.
Giohà has been a medium since birth and this allowed her to explore the invisible world and experience the phenomenon, later her exploratory nature led her from a young age to deal with the fantastic Quantum World experimenting with communication with many realities. invisible to the human eye but real in their world. Thanks to a long personal and professional study she has become a certified Holistic Trainer, Coach and Hypnologist.
She is a teacher of art and an inspired painter since she was a child, for Giohà channeled art is a means of healing for human disharmony; his works become mantras, painted symbols and archetypes, connecting keys that help awaken spiritual and personal talents.
April 2018 Member of the Global Woman Club Milan
Quantic Power Mediumship® by Giohà Giordano, trademark registered at the UIBM on 22 September 2017
December 2017, collaboration as a trainer with The Monroe Institute for the Going Home course
Quantic Power Mediumship® by Giohà Giordano, trademark registered at the UIBM on 22 September 2017
April 2017, Founding Partner and trainer of Giohà Giordano Academy srls
October 2016, Quantic Power® di Giohà Giordano energy technique registered
Nice, France, July 2016, Professional Master in PNL3 and Hypnosis, NeurolinguisticInstitutdelDr Marco Paret
Italy, January 2016 Practicioner Matrix 2-point
Ravenna, September 2015, I and II and III level Matrix 2 Point with Andrea Rommel.
Zwanenhof, House of Spirit, August 2015, advanced level experiential internship with Paul Jacobs.
Stansted Hall – UK, March 2015, advanced level experiential internship with Steven Upton at The Arthur Findlay College
Rome, 2013, Master NLP3 and Coach Life plus Master of Hypnosis with Dr. Marco Paret.
Rimini, 2013, Prometeo Coaching with certified life and sports address.
Turin, 2012, Master Four Voices Color by Ciro Imparato.
Turin, 2012 Practitioner of advanced Phosphenism.
In 2011 his SalutoGenesis techniques were registered and protected under their “Genesis®” trademark.
Holistic Operator level Trainer, Coach, certified by the Italian Society SIAF
Certified facilitator of “Family Constellations” of the Non-Therapy School and of the AISCON agency.
Riccione February 2011 “Spiritual self-hypnosis”; with Dr. Roy Martina and Joey Martina.
Practive Building with Danny Dubrin, Doug De Vito and PatAtanas.
Riccione, November 2010 The Mastery Conference: for further information on Reconnection studies with the speakers: Lynne Mc Taggart; Doctors JJ and DesireeHurtak; Damion and KathrinBrinkley; KostantinKorotkov; Dr. RaimondMoody; Dr. Roy Martina; Doug De Vito; Dr. Eric Pearl.
Rome, 2010 EFT – EmotionalFreedomTechniques with teacher Nadia Ligato.
Level III The Reconnection®, with the same teachers as the two previous levels.
Riccione, March 2010 Level I / II: The ReconnectiveHealing®; with Dr. Eric Pearl, Helen Parsons and PatAtanas.
Operator certified by Dr. Eric Pearl for the “The Reconnection®” method
Giohà studied the Art of Tarot as a way of inner harmonization according to the method of Alejandro Jodorowsky.
He is a Theta Healing practitioner.
Cranio Sacral Operator, method of the Upledger Academy.
He perfected his shamanic training with BholaNathBanstola (Nepalese shamanism) and later with Fabrizio Caspani of the Lorenza Menegoni School, Russian shamanism at the Orphic International Academy and last but not least the experience with Marie NoelleUrech; Itzhak Berry.
1995 he experienced Rebirthing and practiced ReikiRealRadianceTechnique I, II and III level.
1990 he obtained the level of Reiki Master according to the UsuiShikiRyoho method
In 1981 he entered and served as a medium in the Hope Movement
She works in Italy and abroad as a Medium, Trainer, Holistic and Transformational Coach and Hypnologist.
(0039) 3928892777