Maggie Dial

Location: Georgia
Skills: Care Consultant, Doulagivers Specialist, and Elder Care Doula
Tags: #certifiedendoflifedoula, #doulagiverstrained, #eldercareadvocate, #eldercaredoula, #eldercarespecialist, #endoflifeeducator, #endoflifesupport, and #griefandlossafterdeath

Are you searching for a compassionate person who has had many experiences with Aging, Change, Disease Diagnosis, The Dying Process, Hospitals, Hospice, Grief, Loss, and Transitions? It would be an honor to walk alongside you and your family through these difficult times.

As a Certified and Insured End of Life Doula, Elder Care Specialist, Medical Advocate, Educator, and Certified Life Coach, I provide a solution to most needs and concerns that occur as a patient and family go through the many transitions of Aging and Dying.

Let me share a bit about me personally. I was born and raised in South Carolina but have lived in the NE Atlanta/Athens area for over 30 years. During this time, I have had many opportunities to be a caregiver, teacher, and advocate.

When my 59-year-old mother was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer, my family experienced shock and disbelief. I witnessed the stages of the Dying Process as a family member. As the years have passed, I have been at the bedside of not only my mother, but my son, and many others.

As the daughter of a 91-year-old father who lives in an adjacent state, I understand the frustrations and concerns which occur when distance, schedules, and responsibilities prohibit being present for in-person appointments and care. The desire and need for a “surrogate” arises. It would be my pleasure to be your “eyes and ears.” My mission is to educate and empower those who are afraid or believe they have no voice nor choices.

When contrasting Birth and Death, both quite sacred experiences in our human existence, I have realized that preparations in advance need to be made. The truth is both experiences affect us physically, emotionally, financially, spiritually, and legally. Whether and how we prepare define its effect on us.

I offer Virtual Services as well as a Complimentary 30-minute phone consultation to insure we are a good match and that I can best meet your needs.

CONTACT Information:

Phone: 404-731-0161
FB: Maggie Dial Cares

Location: NE Atlanta/Athens